SUNDERLAND manager Peter Reid last night slammed Premiership referees for being too whistle-happy, writes FRANK JOHNSON.

The Wearside boss was happy with his side's performance in the goalless draw at Villa Park, but felt that constant stoppages by Sheffield referee Uriah Rennie prevented the game from flowing.

Reid complained: "We have to get more fluency in the game - there were too many whistles out there.

"I know referees have a difficult job but I think there are too many unnecessary stoppages from an entertainment point of view.

"We want the game to keep flowing. I want the punters to enjoy the game but so many interruptions are stopping the fluency of the play."

He added: "I don't know if referees have a directive about it, but there is just too much whistle and it stops the game flowing.

"I have watched games on the Continent and their referees play advantage and that's what we have to do. Football does not benefit from so many stoppages in play."

Sunderland had four players booked - Bernt Haas, Gavin McCall, Stefan Schwarz and Kevin Phillips - but Reid did not think it was a particularly dirty game.

He said: "We had four men booked and I can't remember a bad tackle.

"I fear for the physical side of the game - supporters like to see a good tackle."

Reid felt that the challenge on Lee Hendrie which earned a booking for Phillips was not as bad as it looked, and said he did not see an alleged late elbow by the England man on the same opponent.

He said: "The challenge was right in front of me and I did not think it was deliberate.

"I don't condone the use of the elbow in any circumstances and if I had seen anything I would have commented, but I didn't.

"Phillips' challenge might have looked terrible on television but it was just one of those things."

Reid also felt that the referee might have given the penalty appeal against Kilbane in the second half, saying: "I have seen penalties given for less over the last few weeks."

Reid was happy overall with his side's performance.

He said: "Aston Villa have had excellent results recently against Manchester United and Liverpool and this is a very difficult place to come to.

"I think we have come here and done ourselves proud. It is the best we have played all season. The finishing touch might not have been there but I am delighted with the way my players have come through.

"We haven't been playing well this season but I think there were signs of it out there today."

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