A TEAM of young special needs gymnasts were kitted out for Olympic victory with a little help from Transco.

The gas pipeline company stepped in when coaches at Middlesbrough gym club Gymworld appealed for clothing and kitbags for their Special Olympics team.

The team of nine youngsters - all with Down's Syndrome - needed new kit to join the UK's Northern Region team at the European Special Olympics which were held in Cardiff during the summer.

Transco supplied a complete set of sports holdalls and grey polo shirts emblazoned with a Special Olympics logo. Other fundraisers provided tracksuits and accommodation.

The young group returned to Teesside with 27 medals - six of them gold.

Assistant coach Sandra Jennison said. "The youngsters did fabulously well and really enjoyed taking part."

Gymworld is based at Prissick Base, the campus of Teesside Tertiary College. For details call June Burnett on (01642) 598168.