MASHAM and Pateley Bridge were celebrating this week following an announcement that a further £1.3m of European funding was being made available to regenerate the two towns and their hinterlands.

The money is being made available through an integrated development plan, prepared by Harrogate council economic development unit and the Nidderdale Plus partnership. The plan has just been approved by the regional government office.

The plan identifies a need to secure new investment in Masham and Pateley Bridge to help both towns develop their roles as local service centres and regenerate surrounding areas badly hit by the foot-and-mouth crisis.

People in Pateley Bridge can find out what the funding means at a public meeting in the memorial hall on Wednesday, October 3, 7-9pm. A similar meeting is to be arranged in Masham on a date to be fixed.

Pateley Bridge is one of the six towns chosen to take part in the latest phase of the market towns initiative, a regeneration programme developed by Yorkshire Forward and the Countryside Agency.