LEISURE services across Hambleton are the best in the North, according to a new report.

The review of the leisure services offered by Hambleton District Council by Audit Commission inspectors awarded the authority three stars, the highest possible rating, and the first such rating in the north of England.

The council's leisure services department provides four leisure centres, a community centre and a floodlit pitch in the district.

The inspectors described these facilities and services as excellent and still improving. The high quality, well maintained and accessible indoor centres are said to provide a broad range of activity programmes and maintain low charges.

The review highlighted the high user numbers, effective consumer consultation and well-trained, motivated staff.

The authority also works in cooperation with other groups and the voluntary sector, to provide a wide range of opportunities for local people.

The report was part of the Government's Best Value regime, which places a duty on all councils to deliver the most efficient and effective services possible. Patricia Thynne, of the inspection service, said: "Hambleton District Council provides an excellent service that will improve even further because it is clear on the need to listen to and act on residents' views, to work in partnership to encourage and enable initiatives at the community level, while also being open to the influence of national strategies."

Cabinet spokesman on leisure, Councillor Susan Latter, said: "To be recognised as being the best leisure service in the north of England is marvellous news for the council and for our customers.

"It is the result of an enormous team effort - councillors, officers, customers and our partners have all been involved. We have clear views, endorsed by the inspectors, on where we can still improve.

"We will not be complacent and will deliver these improvements."

Chief Executive, Peter Simpson, said: "Enormous team effort goes into providing our high quality services and the result of this review is a tribute to the work from officers and councillors."

Copies of the report are available from the council or on the Best Value website at www.bestvalueinspections.gov.uk