BCTG. - Nov 19 & Dec 17: Dressage clinic with Patsy Bartram. Open to non-members. Dec 17: Christmas meal. For details phone Connie on 01325 332685.

BSPS Area 3. - Nov 25: Winter show at Yafforth. Dec 15: Winter show at Toad Hall. For details contact Alison on 01642 452439. Dec 7: Family Christmas party, Kirkby village hall, near Stokesley, tickets and information from Claire or Peter on 01642 711640.

Cleveland Hunt PC. - Nov 25: 1-4.30pm, junior rally at Unicorn Centre. Telephone J Chapman 01642 590971. Nov 27: Senior rally at Unicorn Centre, 11-12yrs, 6-7pm; 13-14yrs, 7-8pm; 14 over, 8-9pm. Telephone Shirley Hockney 01642 723577. Dec 2: Senior rally, 10-1pm, Unicorn Centre. Ring Jane Holmes-Smith 01642 778252.

Cleveland Hunt Supporters Club. - Nov 30: Cleveland Hunt ball, Marton Country Club, tickets from Lynn Ward 01642 700397, Sue Greaves 01642 701961. Tombola prizes needed, contact Ian McLeod 07815 183189 or Susan Perkins 07867 787341 re collection.

Darlington & District RC. - Nov 19: Annual meeting at the George, Piercebridge, at 7.30. Nov 22: Flat work tuition with Hillary, 11am. Nov 29: Jumping tuition with June at Richmond EC, from 6.30pm. Details from Melanie on 01325 377484. Dec 12: Christmas dinner, Donna 01833 637873.

Hambleton & District RC. - Nov 19: Young horse clinic with Ian Brown, 8-9pm. Today, Nov 21 & Nov 30: Lunch time instruction with Emma Cox, 12-1pm. Nov 17: Show jumping competition (open to non-members), 5pm. Nov 21: Gymkhana night, juniors and seniors, 7pm. Nov 28: Dressage competition (open to non-members), 7pm. Any queries, contact Vickie, 01325 720846.

Hurworth PC. - Dec 2: Training for points of a horse badge, 2pm, Grange Farm, Hornby. Ring Mrs Morrison 01609 881363.

Middleton RC. - Nov 18: Dressage competition (winter league), prel to elem. Tel: 01325 332685. Nov 25: Fun jumping afternoon.

Northallerton RC. - Dec 4: Christmas dinner at Romanby Golf Club, £18.50 each, names asap to Janette 01609 776681. Payment by Nov 24.

NYTG. - Nov 21: Training flat work, 10am, Carlton Grange. Friday lunchtimes will restart at the Unicorn Centre if enough people are interested. Contact Angie 01642 275197. Nov 29: Jumping, 9am, Stainsby Grange.

Richmondshire RC. - Nov 19 & 26, Dec 3, 10 & 17: Tuition at Richmond EC, 6-7pm. Nov 28 & Dec 12: Lunchtime tuition at Richmond EC, 12-1pm. Nov 20, Dec 4 & 18: Tuition at Newstead EC, 6-8pm. Dec 16: Christmas dressage at Newstead EC, schedules sae to H Osborne, Washton Green, Washton, Richmond DL11 7JP. Tuition bookings ring Hilary on 01748 824567. Enquiries on 01325 315011.

South Durham PC. - Show jumping on as usual: Nov 18, Dec 16, Jan 20, Feb 17, Mar 17. Schedules, sae, Mrs D Laundy, Anvil Cottage, North Cowton, Northallerton DL7 0EU. Tel: 01325 378588. Nov 24: Show jumping rally at Dalton Piercy (11 years & under). Nov 25: 12 years & over. Please contact Diane Laundy between 6-9pm only on Nov 20 or 21. Winter series dressage at Dalton Piercy: Juniors, Dec 2, Jan 6, Feb 3, Mar 3. Adults, Dec 1, Jan 5, Feb 2, Mar 2. Schedules, sae, Mrs F Hutchinson, Stotsold Moor Farm, Elwick, Hartlepool TS27 3EY. Jan 4: Senior disco at Hardwick Hall Hotel, Sedgefield, open to PC members and friends, details from Mrs S Shepherd 01325 332323.

Tack sale. - Nov 21: Table tack sale in aid of research into grass sickness at The Eldon public house, Ferryhill Station at 7.30pm. Book a table through Mandy Mitchell on 01740 655607. Carts or gigs can be exhibited in the yard. Information on all aspects of the disease is available on www.grasssickness.org.uk.

Yarm & District SC. - Nov 25: Members' winter league dressage, Unicorn centre. Dec 9: Members' Christmas show, Unicorn centre. Dec 17: Christmas meal at the Stainton hotel, Stainton. Any queries contact Nicky on 01642 598076.

Zetland Hunt PC. - Dec 22: Show jumping - festive fun for all at Breckonbrough, Richmond. Lead rein to open classes. For more details contact Jane Graham 01325 374263. Dec 27: Dismounted rally, contact Helen Orton on 01325 730699 before Dec 21 to put your name down for this and all future rallies.

l Check also Claiming Dates for future events on the What's On page