The lower Tees was pushing through following midweek rain but weights were respectable during round 4 of the North East Winter League staged around Yarm and Bowesfield.

Cleveland Angling Centre's Chris Hawkes finished top rod returning a mixed bag of 12.14.0. Drawn on permanent peg 188, six swims above Eaglescliffe golfcourse groundbait feeder and worm down the middle brought 3 skimmer bream along with a pound chub and eel adding 4.0.0 of small roach inside on the pole and maggot to seal the verdict.

Newman Scott's Blue won on the day with star man second place AlanLepatourel. Fishing at Bowesfield on peg 66 below Hawthorne Bend 4 skimmer bream fell to feeder and worm supplemented by 60 small roach caught on pole and squat for 9.13.0.

Others in the frame: D. Reaney (Newman Scott Red) 8.14.0 M. Calvert (Newman Scott Blue 7.14.0. Top 3 teams on the day: 1 Newman Scott Blue 93 pts 2 Cleveland Angling Centre 88 joint 3rd Newman Scott Red and Darlington Angling Centre 83.

League to date: Joint 1st Newman Scott Blue & Darlington Angling Centre 8 pts 3 Cleveland Angling Centre 9 4 Yarm Flynns 18 5 Yarm AA 22 6 Stokesley 28.

Further upstream on the Tees between Low Coniscliffe and Croft Darlington Brown Trout's Coarse Fish Cup produced four double figured weights. Darlington veteran Charlie Hodgson 2 above the Chalk Hole at Coniscliffe located chub in mid-river netting 11 samples on feeder and liquidised bread for an impressive 23.3.0. Runner up John Whitehouse from John Eyles (Darlington) 11.6.0 and Dave Firth (Darlington 10.12.0).

Big match on the Ouse at the weekend was the Hammond Trophy pegged between Redhouse downstream to Poppleton.

The venue was a foot up and coloured but with the water temperature low fish were hard to find during a testing match.

Union's Bill Collier lifted the prestigious trophy needing just 12.12.0. On the little sand beds below Killingbeck groundbait feeder down the edge utilising redworm and double red maggot tempted 2 good bream along with 6 roach and a skimmer. Next best came John Cryowski of Armley who drew the rough field above Killingbeck and stuck to the feeder and worm throughout followed by Ken Lancaster of Glen.

There were some good weights on the Nidd despite a is appointing turnout for the Knaresborough Piscatorials Open and Steve Newns of K L Tackle put together a super net of 21.2.0 for victory. Chub and grayling fell to stickfloat and single bronze maggot from the island at Goldsborough. Four tremendous Nidd chub totalling a colossal 19.5.0 elevated Dunelm's Dave Graham into second place.

Bradford No 1 AA Backhouse Cup River Ure Roecliffe Bottom (36 rods) 1 Alan Sugden (Bradford) 4.0.0 2 roach and a 'jack' pike to floatfished maggot. 2 John Nuttall (Bradford) 3.14.8 3 Colin Mortimor (Bradford) 2.1.0


Elton Tackle's Keith Fryatt raced ahead during Wednesday's event on the Woodlands complex split between Curlew, Partridge, Skylark and Wagtail Lakes.

Pulling out peg 9 on Curlew the jackpot peg for the day worth an extra £250 Keith hammered out small carp galore on the pole and corn at 13 metres putting 40.8.0 onto the scales to ensure a bumper pay day.

Best of the rest: Derek Thompson (Ripon) 23.12.0 Ken Golightly (Map Elton) 21.11.0

Saturday's Open - Partridge Kestrel & Skylark (37 rods) 1 John Chapman (Keenets North West) 53.4.0 Kestrel 22 - a real mixed net including a ghost carp of 5.0.0 to long pole & corn & small maggot feeder.

2 Dave Pimlott (Keenets Elton) 27.3.0 3 Mal Bailey (Map Elton) 20.7.0

Sunday's Open - Partridge Kestrel & Skylark (51 rods) 1. Lyndon Roberts (Map Elton) 46.11.0 Skylark 24 All carp to long pole & feeder 2. Phil Smith (Robin Hood) 35.5.0 3 Andy Hampson (Hirst Tackle) 34.2.0 At the Oaks Sessay carp went on a feeding frenzy during Sunday's Open fished on Maple Lake as the venue 'fished its head off' lowest section requiring 25.0.0.

Fast gaining a reputation on the Oaks Sensas Garbolino's John Brayshaw scooped the honours hauling out a huge net of 67.11.0. John on peg 22 located all small carp with a few better samples up to 3.0.0.

Working the pole and maggot at 12 metres the key proved little and often feeding as he got through just half a pint of bait.

Nearest rival Andy May of Middlewich weighed in 57.7.0 off peg 28 from Daz Shaw of Sensas Garbolino 50.3.0.

Oaks Thursday Open Maple Lake 1 N Johnson (Map Elton) 41.4.0 2 R Miniekin (Harrogate AS) 40.4.0 3 J Allerton (Tri Cast Whizzo) 39.4.0

Carpvale Pool's Wednesday Open saw venue supremo Dave Wright pull out form peg 17 to notch yet another success recording 54.4.0. The Armley man pole fished at 10 metres on the meat under overhanging bushes to take 16 carp leaving West Park's Bernard Guy trailing on 50.2.0 from peg 25.

Sunday's Open Carpvale Pool at Moor Monkton - 1 D Madison (York) 41.1.0 all carp fishing to the island on meat off peg 33. 2 M Wade (Armley) 33.6.0 3 P Fawcett (Leeds) 23.12.0. Raker Open Horseshoe Lake - 1 W Nolan (Leeds Jnrs) 53.5.0 2 A Geldart (Diawa Goldthorpe) 19.3.0 3 A Martindale (Tang Hall Match Group) 17.1.0


Redworth's Jubilee Lakes fishing well despite the cold snap. Morpeth's Stephen Common enjoyed a great session tempting heavyweight rainbows of 15.8.0 and 14.7.0 both falling to a white zonker.

Several other doubles grassed the best of 12.6.0 to Tim Emblin of Stanhope on a cats whisker.

Orange cactus clusters top pattern, white lures of all shapes and sizes, black buzzers and bloodworm also productive.

FIXTURES: Saturday 17 November: Woodland Lakes Open - Tickets on 01845 526110.

Sunday 18 November: Yarm AA Lower Tees Championships - tickets on 01642 / 786444 (140 pegs). Calder League (Round 5) River Calder Brighouse. Ripon Pisc. Open (80 pegs) River Ure - Hutton Beck to Barn Island - tickets on 01765 605467. Durham City AC Open (60 pegs) River Wear Durham - tickets 0191 3784050. Tadcaster APA Open (60 pegs) River Wharfe at Smaws Ings - tickets 01937 832972. Chester le Street WL (Round 3) R Wear. Northallerton And District AC Non Plus Cup River Swale at Scruton. Woodland Lakes Open. Oaks Open Sessay on Maple Lake