Letters from The Northern Echo


TO suggest the Queen be sent back to Germany (HAS, Nov 7) is nonsense. Historically the Queen is a mix of many nationalities.

She descends from William the Conqueror (from Normandy) - a descendant of Ragnold the Viking Earl of Orkney, through the Royal Houses of Plantagenet, Tudor, Stuart and Hanover.

So we might as well send her back to Norway, France or Scotland! Or, because she descends from the Royal Houses of Lancaster and York, she might as well stay where she is.

In view of the unscrupulous, dishonourable, self-seeking undesirables who have walked the halls of power in recent times, it would seem the voting system falls short of what is desirable.

Strange don't you think, the most peaceful, secure nations of the world all seem to have an inherited monarch? - Name and address supplied.


A REPORT published recently has shown that price differences in Europe are already narrowing ahead of January 1, when euro notes and coins come in.

This study shows that British prices are, on average, 16 per cent higher than on the continent and we are the most expensive place in Europe to buy clothes, electronic goods and CDs.

The work by the European investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein reveals that prices in Amsterdam, Frankfurt and Paris have narrowed to within two per cent of each other, in preparation for the euro. There is every reason to believe that our prices would fall to this level if we were to join.

Even though Britons will be able to spend euros in over half of the top 50 retailers in this country after January, British consumers will be paying over the odds in comparison to those in the eurozone. - Robin Ashby, Secretary, North-East in Europe.


YOUR front page report on the 'crucified' swan (Echo, Nov 10)

raises some interesting questions, not least the source of your reporter's information.

Neo-pagans tend to be more environmentally/animal rights orientated than the average citizen, and I find it difficult to believe that this act is in any way connected with them.

Elder trees, also mentioned, are certainly sacred, but then pagans would believe that every tree is sacred to some god or spirit.

It is probably more to the point that elders are low-growing and don't have thorns, making them easier to impale something on. Joe's Pond and its immediate area has long suffered from gun freaks, fly-tippers and general vandals. It is in this section of society that you should be looking for the swan killer.

Sensationalist theories of so-called pagan rituals say more about the mindset of your reporter than any reality.

I suggest he goes easy on the Dennis Wheatley novels in future. - K O'Beirne, Sunderland.

I READ with disgust your article about the crucified swan (Echo, Nov 10). I also read with disgust and disbelief that pagans are once again being blamed for this atrocity.

No pagan could ever commit such an act as the first principle of paganism is: "Love for and kinship with Nature. Reverence for the life force and its ever renewing cycles of life and death." Please do not insult our intelligence by suggesting that any pagan could be capable of such cruelty. - J Rutherford, Shildon.


I RECENTLY heard Tony Blair described as the greatest English Prime Minister since Churchill.

It appears that spin doctors have amazing powers, they can even change the country of your birth. - Gordon S Moffat, Gosforth.


AS a disabled person, may I through the Echo, plead that action can be taken against the numbers of motorists who are not in any way disabled yet are using our parking places in the town centre and at Darlington Memorial Hospital, which is one of the worst places for the misuse of illegal, fictitious and out-of-date badges. - Name and address supplied.


I AM disgusted at Darlington's choice of a cracker as its symbol of Christmas this year.

A cracker epitomises all that is transparent, cheap and trivial about the Christmas season.

A symbol of hope such as a lighted candle on a dark background would be more appropriate. - Ann E Carr, Middleton St George.


I HAVE recently taken a holiday abroad that involved flying.

I travelled to a foreign destination from Teesside Airport via Heathrow to Barcelona.

In my hand luggage was a penknife and a pair of steel knitting needles. Neither of these objects was picked out by security cameras at any of the three airports visited.

How can we stop terrorism in the air if this sort of laxity is present? - Name and address supplied.


YOUR correspondent Mr Robinson (HAS, Nov 9) states that Sedgefield Town Council ignores his pleas to refurbish the war memorial.

Mr Robinson says there are no laws to force authorities to look after war memorials. There are laws laid down by the Government which states that war memorials are the responsibility of local authorities, who are obligated to the maintenance and good order of war memorials.

Mr Robinson should contact his local Royal British Legion branch who will take this issue up, or go himself to the council and tell them to inquire into this. - H Reed, Hon Service Secretary, British Legion, Brandon and District Branch.