MEMBERS of a community action group are taking to the road in an effort to drum up more local support this weekend.

The Easingwold area's community plan steering group will visit three villages on Saturday to explain its proposals for the next decade. They will be asking residents of Tollerton, Huby and Stillington to complete a questionnaire to include their ideas in the plan.

It is the second time volunteers have taken their roadshow into the district; they also manned a stall in Easingwold market place, in September.

Group chairman Martin Whillock said: "We want to encourage members of the community to have an input into this plan. It will cover a ten-year period so it is important that they are actively involved in this development. We hope this weekend's event will be as successful as the market in Easingwold."

The show will be at Tollerton village green, from 9am to 10.30am, outside the New Inn in Huby, from 11am to 12.30pm, and opposite Stillington post office from 1.30pm to 3pm