TENSIONS and management problems involving the Dean of Ripon Cathedral, the Very Rev John Methuen, are said to be responsible for the resignation of a top official.

A second official is set to follow. Mr Nigel Clay, who left last week after less than three years as bursar, said that "tensions" had played a part in his departure.

He said his principal reason for moving was to further his career but he did admit that the tensions had influenced his decision on his move and that there had been "challenging discussions".

He is now finance director of a Leeds-based housing charity.

Chapter clerk, Dr Howard Crawshaw, will leave at the end of next month after four years and long-serving organist, Mr Kerry Beaumont, could also be leaving.

Dr Crawshaw, aged 54, a former consultant surgeon in Edinburgh, declined to disclose the differences between himself and Dean Methuen, as he was still an employee.

Mr Beaumont is said to be considering leaving his post after seven years because of difficult working conditions with Dean Methuen.

The Bishop of Ripon and Leeds, the Right Rev John Packer, said: "Those tensions are between people at the cathedral, including the dean.

"They are about management and profile of the cathedral-work tensions." The bishop said he had discussed certain allegations with Dean Methuen but that there was "no outcome to our discussions."

A member of the cathedral who did not wish to be identified said that the problem was that Dean Methuen wanted all his own way. "He has alienated so many people, he is definitely in the wrong job. There are so many concerns at the top of the cathedral tree, which are being covered up. There is no smoke without fire".

He said that Mr Clay was making a career move, and he wished him and Dr Crawshaw well. "His appointment is an appropriate career move at this stage and incidentally, will relieve him of commuting 60 miles a day."

He said Dr Crawshaw's resignation was coincidental and for personal, family and health reasons. He said he was very surprised and saddened by Mr Beaumont's comments