FOLLOWING a rigorous Government inspection, a training company specialising in hairdressing, has shot to the top of a national league.

Durham Training Academy (DTA) was assessed by representatives from the Adult Learning Inspectorate (ALI) and achieved the highest standards recorded in its sector in the UK since the inspections began.

The assessment also placed it in the top three per cent of work-based training providers in the UK.

The achievement comes just 18 months after DTA was awarded the contract to become training providers for County Durham TEC, now the Learning Skills Council.

Janet Maitland, managing director of DTA, said: "Without the total dedication and commitment of my team, we could not have dreamed of reaching such heights.

"We have taken Durham Training Academy a long way in a very short time, and it is really a testimony to our staff's belief in themselves that we are now at the top of our profession."

The Government assessment was carried out against strict criteria, including quality assurance, leadership and management, equal opportunities and occupational aspects of hairdressing, covering the day-to-day running of a hairdressing business.

Mrs Maitland said: "The thoroughness and professionalism of the ALI assessment not only benchmarked us against the industry's finest, it validated the collective ideals of my team and I."