APRIMARY school in Hartlepool has been described as "thriving" by government inspectors.

Ofsted visited Eldon Grove Primary earlier this year as part of its programme of school inspection.

The report said: "This is a good school where pupils thrive. It is very well led and provides a positive climate for learning. Pupils reach good standards because they are well taught."

It says the school has made good progress since 1997, when it was last inspected.

The report said: "Pupils are very enthusiastic about their learning and try hard in lessons. They cooperate well with their teachers and clearly enjoy their time in school. Their behaviour is very good.

"The school is calm and orderly and this fosters effective learning. Pupils understand and respond well to the clear code of conduct."

Headteacher Andrew Rees said: "We are very pleased with the report. It highlights the excellent progress since the last inspection, as well as identifying a number of strengths within the school."