FANS of brass band music who also want to support a worthy cause can enjoy a top-class performance later this month.

The award-winning Durham Constabulary Band is to play a special, one-off concert at the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, County Durham, on Saturday, November 24, at 7.30pm.

All proceeds will go to the Macmillan Cancer Relief County Durham Appeal.

The appeal, backed by The Northern Echo, is to raise £600,000 to allow the cancer charity to appoint a palliative care consultant and two palliative care specialist nurses to serve the people of County Durham.

After three years in post, the extra staff will be funded by the NHS.

For more information about the concert ring the appeal office on 0191-370 9798. Tickets cost £10, £5 for children and OAPs.

l An incorrect contact number was inadvertently published earlier this week. The Northern Echo would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused