PAINTER Andrew Broderick is delighted that mud sticks - because he uses the stuff to create works of art.

The 24-year-old fine arts graduate, from Kilkenny, South-East Ireland, studied at Cleveland College of Arts. He also uses charcoal, acrylic paint and raw pigments of colour in his paintings.

Now Mr Broderick is turning his passion into a business to sell and exhibit his paintings. He contacted the Redcar branch of InBiz, the national business support organisation that has its roots in Teesside and helps people on the route from unemployment to employment.

Mr Broderick said: "When I went to them I had an idea of what I wanted to do, but needed a lot of guidance.

"InBiz put me on a New Deal programme which was really good, and my business adviser gave me really sound advice on how to run a business on my own.

"I picked up new skills which were absolutely vital for anyone venturing into self-employment."

Anyone wanting to contact Mr Broderick about his paintings or exhibitions can phone (01287) 624039