Sir, - I am saddened, dismayed and angry at the news that the Richmond Farm and Garden Centre is to close. The underlying reason appears to be that the area is designated for leisure use.

For 20 years, my leisure has been substantially helped with the use of this business for building, gardening, plumbing and a dozen other leisure pursuits; this is an obvious leisure facility enjoyed by thousands, albeit a very practical one.

I am appalled that our council is looking for alternative use. Squash courts I suspect, but maybe a running track or perhaps a football stadium?

I, grudgingly, pay a disproportionate part of my income to council tax. Is it really too much to expect an intelligent council administration.


Orchard Close,

Middleton Tyas,


Any connection?

Sir, - Richmondshire District Council officers, faced with their problem of obtaining the property of the Old Station building for new leisure uses as yet unspecified, have used the mechanism of increased rent and rates to close the popular Richmond Farm and Garden Centre, along with refusing a long-term lease, to deter any future business interest.

A similar situation arose in Hawes, where a popular caf was well used by the public and motorcyclists, who some regarded as a nuisance and a problem.

Here, also, the rent was increased and the caf forced to close down and now stands derelict. Is there any connection between the two scenarios?


High Green,


Big mistake

Sir, - What a very great pity that the Richmond Garden Centre is to close in favour of a possible leisure centre. It has always stocked such a large range of gardening items that is unobtainable elsewhere for miles around. And is not gardening the preferred leisure activity of many thousands of people?

Yes, I know what will be said, but I still think this is a really big mistake.


West Witton,


Not all the same

Sir, - As a provider of agency laundering, I was amazed to read Mrs Liana Hunt's letter regarding agency laundry prices (D&S letters, Nov 9).

I am not surprised that she is in shock at the costs of her laundry, she is right to be aggrieved. I have to point out that her experience is not indicative of all agency laundering. Quite the contrary.

If Mrs Hunt had used one of our agents she could have had in excess of 50 double sheets professionally laundered for the price she quotes.

All our agents are provided with price lists, any queries would be solved by a phone call. I would advise all customers to seek a price before committing themselves, any professional/reputable agency will be happy to provide prices on request.


Leyburn Launderette and Linen Hire

Commercial Square


War view

Sir, - I think John F Walters (D&S letters, Nov 2) writes in cynical or bitter mood if implying that the Allies had any choice in storming Monte Casino with heavy loss of life after bombarding it to rubble, and it's far too easy for us to be armchair tacticians as if our commanders in the field hadn't the brains they were born with.

As for the Poles in that assault, and I don't know the make-up of the assault force, I think he might be insulting their memory as brave men who laid down their lives for our freedom to suggest that they were cynically sacrificed as cannon fodder by an unfeeling high command.

Never mind, maybe Mr Walters didn't mean it that way. Bbut if he's trying also to suggest that such is the rugged terrain of Afghanistan as to make it also an impregnable fortress (which it is?) that we shouldn't, also, attack it, then I'm afraid he ranks himself with the minority of pacifists and appeasers who always argue that we shouldn't go to war no matter what atrocities are inflicted on us by evil regimes.

I have no patience with such people.


Dennison Crescent,


Co Durham