THE unsung heroes of Hartlepool were the toast of the town at a special awards ceremony.

The Town Hall Theatre was the venue on Wednesday night for the annual Community Awards, organised by Hartlepool Borough Council.

Launched in 1998, they reward local people who have brought credit to the community and worked behind the scenes to help and support others.

The three categories were: Merit Award, for an individual, group or team representing and bringing credit to the town within a recognised field of endeavour; the Award of Excellence, for a young person under the age of 21, for service to the community in an outstanding or exemplary manner and the Honorary Service Award, for individuals or groups for voluntary service to the community.

Hartlepool Male Voice Choir won the Merit Award. The choir formed 40 years ago and performs 30 charity concerts every year in Hartlepool and the surrounding area.

The Award of Excellence went to Kelly Rose, 14, who has been a voluntary worker with St John Ambulance for six years. She is also a young carer and performed as a dancer in the Millennium Dome as part of the Hartlepool day there.

Wilf Jobling gained the Honorary Service Award. For more than 50 years, the 86-year-old has given his time and advice to the Hartlepool community and bowling fraternity. During the 1970s he gave bowling tuition to the Hartlepool Blind School. He continues to play an active role in the community and insists on tending Brinkburn Veterans Club's two snooker tables, which he brushes and irons every Monday.

Councillor Doug Ferriday, Mayor of Hartlepool, said: "A town is only as good as its people, and it is inspiring to hear the stories of hard work and dedication behind the winners."