CHILDREN, students and businesses across Darlington and Sedgefield have been pitching in to raise money for the BBC Children In Need appeal.

Students at the Darlington College of Technology put on a number of events, including students in fancy dress collecting in the town centre, a full body wax of student Michael Lucy, and an Internet marathon that hopes to get 100,000 hits on the college website in 24 hours.

There will also be a concert on Monday in the college hall, with all proceeds going to the appeal.

Staff at the Hall Garth Golf and Country Club are hoping to raise more than £500 with their fundraising.

The club's head chef and five of his staff agreed to undergo leg waxing, while female staff dressed as men for the day.

Children and staff at the Red Hall Primary School were getting into the spirit of the day too, with a sponsored mad hair day. Winner by a long streak was class two pupil Jamie Kendray, who gave himself a green mohican.

The school charged each pupil 50p to come in with mad hair, and is hoping to raise up to £150.

A fancy dress conga with themes for every class made for a lively day's fundraising at the House of Eden Nursery in Rushyford. Sharon Foster said: "It's gone really well, we have raised £530 already and there's still money to come in."

Staff and children of Cherry Tree Nursery, in Sedgefield, spent the day playing in their pyjamas.

The nursery for the under fours, which has only been open since June, hopes to raise more than its predicted target of £350.

Meanwhile, a giant chalk drawing of Pudsey Bear was drawn on the floor of Mowden Junior School, Darlington, and filled with money raised by all of the schools pupils. In total they collected £385.