A lasting tribute to a well-loved teacher is to be unveiled at a Gateshead School next week.

The tribute, a multi-coloured 6ft stained glass window, has been created to remember John Graham, who worked at Kells Lane Primary School, in Low Fell, until his untimely death two years ago.

Since then, current and former pupils have worked hard to raise more than £4,000 to create the window, which will be unveiled on Tuesday.

The library window features a photograph of the former music and literacy coordinator, along with images of music, a piano, and words that teachers and pupils thought summed up his positive attitude to teaching.

The window has been funded by Asda, Marks and Spencer, pupils, parents and relatives, and was created by local artist, Sue Woolhouse, who will join existing and former pupils, teachers and parents, to unveil the window next Tuesday.

Mr Graham worked as a teacher for more than 30 years, including 18 years at Kells Lane Primary School, before his death in November 1999