SPECIAL police squads will be on the streets of east Cleveland next month to ensure that festive revellers at pubs and clubs stay within the law.

The uniformed licensing patrols will be active on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights throughout December and into the New Year to clamp down on public disorder.

Plainclothed officers will also be used to ensure that there is no under-age drinking.

Operations manager Superintendent Dave Horner said: "We are not setting out to be Scrooge and spoil anyone's fun.

"We want to see people in the district enjoying themselves at this time of year but that does not give would-be troublemakers the right to run wild.

"We will not be turning a blind eye to any unlawful activities.

"We will be there, visiting pubs and clubs to see what is going on. The presence of a uniformed officer can have a sobering effect.

"Our aim is to support publicans and licensees. They can have a difficult job at times.

"A lot more people are out and about at this time of year and a lot more drink is consumed. We want revellers to know now that we will not tolerate any anti-social behaviour. People can have fun and stay within the law."

As well as the patrols, police will also use evidence gatherers armed with video cameras to target troublespots, particularly those where there is under-age drinking.

Youngsters caught out will be taken home to their parents and action taken against licensees.

Supt Horner said: "Our aim is to ensure all licensed premises remain safe and enjoyable places for people to relax and enjoy themselves. We want everyone to have a merry Christmas."