AN osteopath accused of indecently assaulting eight female patients was yesterday cleared by a jury.

On the 13th day of his trial at Newcastle Crown Court, Terence McBrien, of Alnwick, Northumberland, was acquitted of all 13 counts of molesting women he treated.

Mr McBrien, a former RAF flight lieutenant, claimed some of the allegations referred to legitimate treatment of the breast area of his patients while one of the alleged acts on his treatment couch was by mutual consent.

The 48-year-old divorcee and father-of-two thanked the jury as he left court and said outside: ''I am very pleased with the outcome. Other than that I have got nothing to say.''

Mr McBrien, who practises from his home, was accused of indecent assault on eight patients over a two-year period from September 1998.

During the case Judge David Hodson instructed the jury to find Mr McBrien not guilty on three of the original 13 charges.

Female patients gave testimonies in support of Mr McBrien.

Dance teacher Virginia Scott, who is from the Amble area of Northumberland, told the jury: ''Treatment with Terry was totally professional and I always felt 100 per cent safe.''