MORE than 3,000 underprivileged children around the region are to benefit from a radio station's annual Christmas appeal.

For a fifth year, 96.6 TFM and Magic 1170 will launch its Give a Child a Christmas appeal Teesside, County Durham and North Yorkshire.

The appeal will be launched on Monday, with pupils from Bishopsgarth School, Stockton, Teesside, donating the first presents.

A spokeswoman for TFM said: "Give a Child a Christmas asks listeners to buy an extra Christmas present when they are doing their shopping and bring it to the station or a local drop-off point.

"We ask that the presents are new and unwrapped. The gifts go to children and young people aged up to 19 years, who would not get a present under normal circumstances."

Celebrities and pop stars visiting the station also lend their support by giving donations. The radio station works closely with social services, women's refuges, doctors and charities to make sure no child in the area goes without at Christmas.

The appeal is part of the station's Make a Child Smile appeal and is supported by local Vauxhall dealerships.

Drop-off points for presents include: TFM/Magic radio, Vauxhall dealers in Hartlepool, Middlesbrough, Stockton, Darlington and Redcar, all Bells Stores and Savacentre, in Stockton.