A FIRE which badly damaged a terraced house yesterday is believed to have been started by a discarded cigarette.

Fire crews were called to Ashlands Road, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, at 8.45am, by neighbours.

They discovered a fire in a first floor bedroom, which quickly spread to the roof and an adjoining house. The homeowners were at work and nobody was hurt.

Firefighters had to remove roof tiles from both houses to release the heat and smoke.

Assistant divisional officer Roy Ashman said the blaze did not spread further because bedroom doors were closed.

He said: "The spread pattern of this fire highlights the value of keeping your doors closed. The average doors will hold a fire back for approximately 20 minutes, so reducing the damage a fire can cause.

"In addition, it is important to ensure that all smokers' materials are properly extinguished - a cigarette can smoulder for a long time before fire breaks out."