A planning application to extend Newton Aycliffe town centre could be heard next month.

Councillor Terry Hogan, chairman of the Aycliffe Town Centre Forum, said developers of the former Avenue School site, next to the heart of the town, have told him all of the major planning issues have now been resolved.

But Sedgefield Borough Council planning officials say they are still waiting for answers to several questions before the application can be heard.

The planning application for the redevelopment of the site, which will include a new Tesco supermarket, was originally due to be heard in June this year.

But a number of issues were raised, including objections from Sport England and the Highways Agency. These have now been withdrawn.

Outstanding issues relating to the Tesco store caused the application to be deferred again in October.

But Coun Hogan said: "Following a board meeting at Tesco last week, the major issues were resolved and Tesco immediately telephoned Sedgefield Borough Council planners."

He said the application had been deferred until December 14, because council planning officials had not received full written representations from Tesco.

A spokesman for the council said no date for the planning application could be set until the written answers had been received.

He said: "We are still awaiting further information from the agents representing the developer.

"While December 14 is an option, it is no more than that at this moment in time.