CRIME and disorder have fallen by 12 per cent in the western area of Gateshead in the past seven months.

Since April, overall crime has fallen by 12 per cent and violent crime is down by 14 per cent.

The latest results follow the successful introduction of the "problem-solving'' approach to policing throughout the Northumbria force area.

The method involves teams of community beat managers in each area command reporting to inspectors responsible for specific geographic areas.

Chief Inspector Ralph Logan of Gateshead West Area Command, said: "The fall in crime is down to the hard work of all the officers who work at Gateshead West.

"However, the community beat manager system means we have officers who can not only focus on the short term causes of crime, but are also able to work with their local communities to identify long term solutions."

In the past few months there have been several drug operations, including raids on at least six cannabis farms in the area.

There has also been the recovery of a significant number of firearms and a number of vehicle-related operations which have been centred on the vast MetroCentre shopping complex.

A team of police officers is also involved in Operation Compass, which is tackling volume crime, including the possession of offensive weapons and drugs, going equipped to steal and thefts of and from cars.

Chief Insp Logan said: " We will continue to run operations so that we put the fear of crime where it belongs - back with the criminal.

"While we are reducing crime significantly, we know we need to do everything we can to reduce the fear of crime in this area, where the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime is very low.''

In the run-up to Christmas, further special operations will be carried out at the MetroCentre to target known thieves.