QI have too much capital to get a Council Tax Rebate, but will I get any reduction when my son leaves home?

A If that means you will be the only person living in the house, yes. You will get the single person's discount of 25 per cent.

Q I am 52 and intend to retire soon. I have always paid Nation Insurance since leaving school. How much State pension will I get?

AIf you fill up form BR19 from the Benefits Agency you can get a pensions forecast. By my reckoning, you will be three years short of the 44 qualifying years you need for a standard rate pension (currently £72.50). This means a 94 per cent pension of £68.15 at current rates.

QOur total income from all sources is £178.43 a week. I am 79 and my wife is 70. We pay rent of £50 a week and Council Tax of £720 a year. Can we get rebates?

AYes, to the tune of at least £22 a week.

Q I live in a nursing home, paying the full £280-a-week fees out of the proceeds from the sale of my house. I have heard that the NHS will now pay part of this charge. Is this true?

AYes. From October 1 the cost of nursing care became free. The cut in your fees will be either £35, £75 or £110 a week, depending upon how much care you need.

QMy husband died in September and I am still waiting for the council to tell me how much rent and Council Tax I will have to pay in my new circumstances. Can you give me any idea? My weekly State Pension is £102.20, works pension £126.20 a month and savings £1,438.

AIf you are 60 or over, we are talking about no more than £7.81-a-week Council Tax and £25.38-a-week basic rent.

QOur combined State Pensions are £167.36, my works pension is £35.05 a month and our joint savings are £17,000. Can we get a Council Tax reduction?

ANo because your capital is over £16,000.