HARTLEPOOL United boss Chris Turner believes supporters are starting to see the best of Darrell Clarke.

Turner splashed out £80,000 for the Mansfield midfielder during the close season, only to see his new recruit suffer an injury-plagued start to his Pool career as he suffered both groin and back trouble.

And it's only now that Turner - who leads Pool into FA Cup action at Swindon this afternoon on the back of successive victories - can see the fruits of his summer swoop.

Turner has switched to a 4-4-2 formation in recent weeks after sticking to a 3-5-2 line-up for the last two seasons, with Clarke on the right wing and new boy Paul Smith providing the ammunition on the left.

Clarke has been instrumental in the victories over Hull and Exeter that lifted Pool off the bottom of Division Three and gave them a big confidence boost ahead of the trip to the Second Division side managed by Roy Evans.

"We need to carry on from the last two games,'' said Turner. "We've gone for 4-4-2 and it's given us a major lift, now we look comfortable playing that way.

"We've scored six goals and not conceded any. On one side we've got Paul Smith who will go past players and put some great crosses into the area, but Darrell Clarke has been really impressive.

"He works up and down and even without the ball he makes intelligent runs to create space for others. He's set up three goals in the last couple of games.

"He's not an out and out winger - the sort who will destroy defenders and go past people at will. Last week he picked out Gordon Watson with a great pass for our first goal. Darrell is an intelligent footballer who more often than not chooses the right ball.''

Turner this week signed Smith on an extended deal while allowing Ian Clark to move to Darlington. "We wish Ian all the best,'' said Turner. "And we know that Paul can only get better as he gets more games. He's played over 100 times for Burnley, so he's got the pedigree.

"We've seen what he can do in flashes, but he's a confident boy and there's a determination to do well. I'm pleased to have him tied down to the club.''

Pool make the trek to the County Ground with Turner insisting his players are confident of causing a minor Cup upset.

"Confidence has always been good this season, but the last two results have given everyone that little spring in their step,'' he said. "We've got nothing to lose and there's no danger of going there and sitting back looking for a draw.

"It will be hard, because there is a difference between the two divisions - we found that out against Bury last month - but I don't think we've had a good Cup draw since I came here. We've had to go to Hereford, Scunthorpe last year and now this. What you want is couple of good home draws before the big teams come in for the Third Round, but it never seems to happen for us.''

Former Liverpool chief Evans, who has right hand man Neil Ruddock at centre-half this afternoon, said: "I'm looking forward to it.

"Hartlepool are a potential banana skin but we won't be underestimating them.

Read more about Hartlepool here.