SPORTS facilities in schools across the region are to be given a radical facelift with one of the biggest ever injections of National Lottery cash.

The North-East will receive almost £38m, while the Yorkshire and Humberside region gets more than £60m, to create new sports centres and modernise existing facilities.

The grants - from the National Lottery's New Opportunities Fund - are part of an overall windfall of £541m for school sport in England and Wales.

Separate announcements for Northern Ireland and Scotland will be made early next year.

The cash will also be used to help promote sport and use of school facilities by the wider community, as well as improving outdoor adventure equipment for young people.

Education chiefs in County Durham will have a £7.3m share of the £37.9m total awarded to the North-East, while Sunderland will receive £5.3m and Newcastle £4.3m.

Mr Blair, who is meeting headteachers and leading sports figures today to discuss methods of improving sport in schools, said the funding would create "vast new opportunities".

"Every young person deserves the chance to participate in sport and PE of the highest quality," he said.

"Modernising school facilities is a crucial part of creating that opportunity.

"Sport is also a key weapon in our fight against school exclusion, crime and drugs - giving thousands of young people the chance to choose a positive, healthy lifestyle."

Baroness Jill Pitkeathley, who chairs the fund, said the grants would substantially change the face of sport provision in schools and communities.

"In providing many more people, particularly in disadvantaged areas, with the opportunity to engage in a range of physical activities, we can help build a more inclusive and healthier society," she said.

Education authorities will consult with local schools, national sporting organisations and other strategic partners to co-ordinate spending plans for the grants.

The announcement launches the fund's £750m nationwide New Opportunities for PE and Sport programme.