BOSSES have moved to scupper rumours that their floating nightclub is about to close.

There have been anxious telephone calls and sad-eyed revellers turning up for what they mistakenly thought was the last night on the Tuxedo Royale, moored at Middlesbrough.

Absolute Leisure, owner of the refurbished former Greek car ferry, does not know whether the false stories have been circulated by rivals, or triggered by plans to raise the water level in the old dock where the boat is anchored, after the channel was lowered for dredging operations.

"We've had a lot of phone calls from concerned customers, asking if we're open," said Steve Lockhart, the firm's marketing and promotions manager.

"Apparently, they have heard a rumour that the boat is leaving Teesside and moving to Grimsby.

He added: "We'd like to quash this rumour and reassure them that the only place the Tuxedo is going is four metres up when the water level rises, which will hopefully be at the end of the month.

"We're absolutely committed to Middlesbrough and have no intention of moving."

Tuxedo manager Neil Sproates said: "It is quite a big venue and I think there may be a little bit of rivals' animosity behind the rumours."

Referring to the multi-million flagship redevelopment plans for the surrounding Middlehaven site, around the Tuxedo, Mr Sproates said: "Not only are we not going anywhere, but this is going to be the place to be in the years to come.