An aircraft enthusiast, who was arrested by Greek authorities over spying allegations, has sent friends a desperate message pleading for help.

Andrew Jenkins was one of 12 Britons to be arrested at an air base in the town of Kalamata after spending a day looking at war planes.

It is understood that Mr Jenkins, 32, of Barkston Avenue, York, has been moved to a jail in Napflion pending another court hearing.

Today, friends Adrian and Brigid Hairsine from Rawcliffe, near York, said the mobile phone text message they received made them fear the worst.

It read: "Being processed into Napflion jail. This doesn't look good for us. Please make Press aware we need more pressure back home or we will be swept under the carpet."

The group could face jail sentences of up to 20 years if they are found guilty of espionage.

They are hoping that intelligence officers, who have been examining their photographs, will conclude that they are not spies. Mr Jenkins has insisted the only pictures he had with him were taken at this year's Great Yorkshire Air Show.