THE winners of a neighbourhood award have been honoured at a special ceremony.

A range of environmental improvement schemes competed for the top prize in ten categories at Hartlepool's annual Pride in Your Neighbourhood Awards.

In one category, Environmentally Aware Individual, the competition was so intense the judges found it impossible to separate the four entries and named them all as winners.

The awards are part of Hartlepool Borough Council's Pride in Hartlepool campaign to improve the local environment.

They were presented by the town's mayor, Councillor Doug Ferriday, at a ceremony in the council chamber at the Civic Centre.

He said: "All of the nominees deserve great credit for the work they are doing to make Hartlepool a more attractive place.

"I hope other people will draw inspiration from their efforts and launch their own schemes to improve and look after the local environment."

Pride in Hartlepool officer Andrea Bishop said: "We know many other people are also involved in a range of excellent schemes for which they receive little recognition and we would like to see their names put forward for awards next year."

Winners of the 2001 Pride in Your Neighbourhood Awards.

Environmentally Aware School - Barnard Grove Primary School.

Environmentally Aware Individual - Daniel Short, Tom Manes, Gary Phillips and Bob Ashley.

Environmentally Aware Residents' Group - The Friends of Ward Jackson Park.

Environmentally Aware Youth Group - Owton Rossmere Detached Youth Project.

Special commendation - Throston Estate Crime Solvers and the Plus Belle Vue Project.

Best Kept School Grounds - Greatham Primary School.

Most Improved Plot - St Mary's Church Garden and Rossmere Park Tea Gardens.

Best Wildlife Project - The Beck Buddies.

Most Improved Beach - Harold Kirkup, who keeps an area at Seaton Carew tidy.

Schools Recycling Award - St Bega's School.

The Shopkeeper's Award - Des' General Dealers, Flint Walk, Hartlepool