FUNDRAISING efforts by a team of firefighters have helped to raise more than £25,000 for the New York Fire Department.

Cleveland Fire Brigade has raised the money to help colleagues across the Atlantic in the aftermath of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Fundraising activities included a "Full Monty" performance by nine brave firefighters at the Hard Rock Caf, in Middlesbrough, which was a sell-out, sponsored ladder climbs in town centres, senior officers being put in the stocks at headquarters in Hartlepool, and a fitness challenge for the emergency services at two local fitness centres.

A Debenhams fashion show featuring firefighter models is being held on November 21, and is expected to boost the total still further.

Chief Officer John Doyle said: "People have given enormous support to the Brigade's fundraising effort for New York and I wish to thank everyone who has given so generously to our appeal for help.

"The cash we send is our way of showing support for colleagues in New York who were involved in the atrocities of September 11. It's a very practical demonstration of solidarity."

Cleveland Fire Authority chairman Brenda Foster said: "Words cannot express the enormity of what happened in New York in September, but actions speak louder than words and the actions of people in our area have helped us raise this amazing amount to send to firefighters in America to show them how much we care."

Anyone who would like to add a contribution to the final total should contact fund coordinator Alan Gill, on (01429) 872311.