A CAMPAIGN to create a much-needed skateboard park for youngsters is back at square one after more than three years of debate.

Dozens of skateboarders in Northallerton have been pressing their case for a dedicated site where they can enjoy their sport.

They have been using the car park at the Applegarth, with the permission of Hambleton District Council, although it was only meant to be a temporary base.

But after lengthy wrangling between local authorities over the best location for any facilities, councillors are now being asked to let the current situation continue while a further round of meetings is called.

Approximately 50 youngsters attended a recent town council meeting to ask for permission to use an area adjacent to the Applegarth car park, but the authority voted overwhelmingly against the request, preferring instead to revive three-year-old plans for a skateboard area at Bullamoor Memorial Park.

But the town council's approach to Hambleton for permission to issue a sub-lease for the Bullamoor site is also likely to be refused.

Hambleton Council's planning and environmental services director, Steve Quartermain, set out five options for cabinet members to consider at a meeting on Thursday.

He has recommended that the request by the town council should be turned down and another meeting of interested parties be convened to thrash out an agreement on the best site.

Mr Quartermain said of the Bullamoor plans: "The suitability of this site is poor, as nothing has changed about the site since the leisure committee previously considered the matter."

He said five local residents had objected to the proposed scheme and that, as landlord of the Bullamoor site, the council had to take their views into account.

Hambleton Community Safety Partnership had also expressed concerns about the use of the area.

However, Mr Quartermain said there was a general consensus that a skateboard park was needed to serve North-allerton, Brompton and Romanby, and admitted that youngsters were becoming "frustrated at the lack of action".

The district council is keen for a facility to be provided somewhere on the Applegarth, but Mr Quartermain said: "The custodians of the best possible site are unwilling to allow it to be used for such a purpose and an alternative site put forward appears not to meet certain criteria."