A WOMAN who feared she may not see her 50th birthday used the occasion to repay the doctors who saved her life.

Kathleen Gardiner, from Wolsingham, and Kathleen Scott, from Tudhoe, both County Durham, were each diagnosed with breast cancer and struck up a friendship while receiving treatment at Bishop Auckland General Hospital.

Both women were treated successfully and Kathleen Gardiner decided to use the landmark birthday as an opportunity to thank staff at Bishop Auckland hospital by raising money for the Breast Cancer Care Unit.

She asked friends and family to bring Smarties' tubes filled with 20p pieces to a party and enlisted the help of Kathleen Scott, who encouraged friends and acquaintances to do likewise.

In total £2,600 was raised, which will pay for a Stretchair, designed to make mammograms easier for patients.

Mrs Gardiner said: "I was horrified when I was diagnosed, but they put you very much at ease at the hospital. There's always somebody you can ring. We both have a lot of praise for the treatment we received.

"I would like to thank everyone who helped with sponsorship and fundraising."

Consultant breast surgeon Trevor Layzell at the hospital, who accepted the cheque from the two women said: "A Stretchair enables a mammogram to be taken without the patient having to stand up, and x-rays can go through it. This money will pay for the full amount, with £400 left over.