PEOPLE have the chance to see exotic fruits from around the world in Sunderland today.

This morning there is a tour around the atrium at Sunderland Museum and Winter Gardens, which opened in July.

Assistant education officer Jennie Beale said: "We are giving people what amounts to a fruit tour, a trail children and their parents can follow, and enjoy a jelly bean at every stop they make to look at a particular tree.

"At the Winter Gardens we have 146 species and 1,500 plants including mango, banana, lemon and orange.

"The jelly beans will give a hint to their taste, while the final stop in our education room will include a juice and fruit-tasting of the real thing and a little background on each tree.

"It is a bit of fun, a taste of sunshine in an English winter, and a chance to discover some of the culinary wonders of nature growing right beneath our roof here in Sunderland.''

The tour, called Fruity Feast, starts at 10am