WHEN friends at her local pub bet Sharon Irvine she couldn't stop smoking she took them up on the challenge - as long as they put their money where their mouths were.

They would have to make a donation to the breast cancer unit at Darlington Memorial Hospital if she managed six months without a cigarette.

After keeping her side of the bargain, Sharon, from Melsonby, near Richmond, handed over a cheque for £655 to staff from the department.

But, she admitted, now the challenge is over, she is already smoking again.

"It was knowing it was only until November which kept me going a lot of the time," she said.

"That first cigarette in the pub on Saturday was horrible, but I suppose you just get used to them again."

Sharon estimates she put on more than a stone in weight as she nibbled biscuits and snacks to stifle withdrawal symptoms.

"But at least I know I can stop smoking if I want to, although it wasn't easy," she said