A HOUSING scheme aiming to enhance a run-down part of town remains blocked by a dispute over a "ransom" strip of land preventing safe access to the site.

Outline planning permission has already been granted for the housing development at the former mill at Wood Street, Shotley Bridge, near Consett.

But Derwentside district councillors are likely to deny detailed planning permission because existing access roads are regarded as unsafe.

Thursday's meeting of the authority's development control committee will be told there has been no progress in negotiations over a small area of grassed land between Wood Street and Oley Meadows owned by Nomad Housing Association - preventing the required access from Oley Meadows.

Developer David Wellstead, of County Life Homes, has proposed putting up traffic lights at his expense at the bridge end of Wood Street, to improve highway safety at the existing junction.

But this possibility was investigated several years ago, with highways officials still of the opinion it is impractical.

In report to the development control committee, planning officer Rachel Broadbank said: "While the quality of redevelopment of this area is to be encouraged and welcomed, it must not be at the expense of highway safety.

"Traffic data suggests that a dwelling can generate up to ten trips per day and therefore with the number of dwelling's proposed there could be about 400 to 500 vehicle movements using the Green Street and or the bridge junction each day. The existing junctions that already serve Wood Street are inadequate and in my opinion could not safely cope with the additional traffic generation."

Detailed permission is being sought for the demolition and rebuilding of part of the former mill to provide seven apartments and for the erection of 23 homes