What's hot;

BAD BOYS: Surely no one really believed that Westlife were whiter than white. The 20-somethings picked up the classic boy band image along the way as they attracted an audience of mainly under-15s. But now they're set to come out of the closet and reveal what they are really like. In a BBC2 documentary, to be screened next month, the lads are seen swearing, drinking and talking about women. It is being screened at 10.30pm in an attempt not to offend any young fans, but will no doubt still attract a big audience. It may not be clever to mouth-off and get drunk but it is the normal behaviour of a group of Irish lads. It will be a relief to many people to realise that underneath those sugary lyrics and perfect smiles, there are some real personalities trying to get out.

NICE GIFTS: Forget little pictures, chocolates or even plastic toys - the ultimate advent calendar has 24 very nice surprises inside. The £500,000 gift has just gone on sale in Harrods and is displayed on a shelf along with burly security guard to keep an eye on it. Behind each door is something small, sparkly and very expensive which is bound to keep the most demanding Christmas relative happy. The present frenzy ends on Christmas Eve with a diamond-encrusted fountain pen worth a massive £82,000. Although anyone could gain massive brownie points by handing over this fabulous calendar, it could cause problems. Once your loved one has marvelled at the 24 presents you have given them before the 25th what on earth can you give them on the big day to impress?

SEXY WOMEN: So Miss World is all for over for another year. The politically-correct lobby has continued to keep the contest off terrestrial television but it did find its way onto cable via ITV2. For the first time ever the television audience could vote for their favourite girl, turning the whole competition into a massive international election. In a bid to win votes, the girls adopted various poses, spoke about their dreams of world peace and generally looked gorgeous. But really, the name and nationality of the winner is unimportant - any girl who appears on intentional television, playing volleyball in a bikini deserves an award.

What's not;

RIGHT CHARLIES: There's a new product on the market that will have gardeners across the country queuing up at the shops. Television gardener Charlie Dimmock has been turned into a gnome, complete with out of control chest. The little Charlie looks the part with a mane of red hair and a tight-fitting T-shirt. The new-look gnome is made by a company down South who claim they have hundreds of orders for Charlies from gardeners around the country. All those little guys with beards and fishing rods will look very dowdy next to the new Charlie gnome but that doesn't mean we should all be rushing out to buy one. Gnomes are the naff at the best of times and turning them into objects of sexual desire is a very worrying development.

MUMMY DEAREST: Things are not looking good in the Jordan household with the mum and dad-to-be already squabbling. Footballer Dwight Yorke has told the plastic beauty he will support her and her baby but only if she can prove he is the father. In an act of defiance, Jordan has been parading around at all the top nightspots showing off her figure before it goes out of shape. The idea of Jordan as a mum is nightmarish but you can only hope that having her own bundle of joy will calm her down a bit. It's unlikely, though, that Jordan will shy away from publicity for long. Once the baby has arrived and she's had all the lumps and bumps ironed out by her surgeon, no doubt Jordan will be back contradicting everything traditionally associated with a doting mum.

AUSSIE TALENT: Australian soap stars seem to have become as important to pantomimes as a man in a frock. It seems no self-respecting panto cast can go on-stage without someone who has once paraded along the beach in Summer Bay or down Ramsey Street. It may seem strange that Australians would leave their country for a cold British winter but the reason for their migration has just been made clear. Neighbour's star Daniel MacPherson, who plays hunky Joel, is reported to be getting a massive £50,000 a week for his role in Aladdin in Canterbury. He may not be the best actor in the world and will be a stranger to anyone over the age of 12, but the theatre bosses obviously think his cute smile will pull in the crowds. With such ridiculous sums of money being thrown around for such little talent, it seems pantomimes have turned into little more than poor quality celebrity circuses