A DISABLED man is calling for an end of the victimisation he has suffered at the hands of youths.

Steven Catchpole, 43, had his wheelchair stolen from the garden of his home in West Auckland on Friday, as he prepared for an excursion.

The wheelchair was returned later, but Mr Catchpole said it was the latest in a series of incidents over four years which have made his life a misery.

In June, Mr Catchpole and his wife, Edith, suffered a string of attacks when gangs of youths pelted their council bungalow in Monteith Close and broke the windows.

He said: "I'm sick of this kind of escapade.

"At about 8pm on Friday there was a knock on the door and someone said youths had had my wheelchair over the recreation ground.

"I'd left it in my back garden, outside the back door, because I thought I was going to be going out."

The three youths who told Mr Catchpole his wheelchair had been stolen also managed to recover it and bring it back to his house.

He said: "If it wasn't for the three gallant youths who returned it, I would be up the spout. I'm indebted to them."