CHRISTMAS events in Darlington are proving a big success for shoppers and businesses.

Events including the Santa Parade and the Orange Christmas Spectacular have attracted thousands of people to the town.

At a meeting of the Town Centre Forum, at Darlington town hall, traders said that their takings were up on last year.

They said this was because of attractions drawing more shoppers into the town centre and boosting profits.

Albion Small, Cornmill Centre manager and Darlington Chamber of Trade chairman, said: "Trade is excellent. The week before last was the best we have ever had since opening nine years ago.

"One shop has reported a massive 78 per cent increase in takings compared with last year. Regularly, we are seeing a 20 per cent increase in most stores."

More than 5,900 people turned up to watch the Christmas lights being switched on in Darlington Market Place.

Organisers said that thanks to the number of celebrities at the event and extensive media coverage the night had been a huge success.

Another big attraction for the town centre was the ice rink that was assembled in the Market Place.

It proved so popular that organisers are now hoping to bring the ice rink back next year for a longer period of time, so that more people could use it.