A SUNDERLAND scheme that helps local people get into making music has been given a cash boost by the Northern Rock Foundation.

Greenhouse Music, a voluntary project in Pennywell, is getting £45,203 from the foundation over the next three years.

The project offers training courses and the money will enable it to expand these and develop its facilities.

It has introduced courses in music technology, a rock and pop workshop, guitar lessons at intermediate and advanced level and keyboard lessons for beginners. Many of the courses are free.

It has also set up a 16-track recording studio and rehearsal rooms that are available for unemployed people to hire at special rates.

The funding has also enabled it to employ a music development worker, Paul Wormleighton, who coordinates use of the studio and offers tuition.

He said: "The project offers people of all ages in the area a great chance to come and get involved in music."

The project, which was set up in 1999, is based at, and supported by, Pennywell Community Business, but it hopes to become a limited company with its own management.

Its facilities have already been used by 100 people.

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