A KNIFE attacker yesterday became one of the first violent criminals to be put on the new Dangerous Persons Database.

Shane Taylor, 20, stabbed a man who was protecting an elderly widow. The knife went through the man's arm.

Taylor, who had two previous convictions for aggravated burglaries while armed with a 10in kitchen knife, told police that he carried it in case he was disturbed by a householder, said Shaun Dodds, prosecuting.

His latest victim, Derek Burrell, had been trying to speak to him outside The Eden pub, in Peterlee, County Durham, about his behaviour towards the pensioner, Teesside Crown Court was told.

Taylor had been released from a psychiatric unit after being voluntarily sectioned under the Mental Health Act, said Paul Cleasby, defending.

He said: "He recognises that he has some difficulties and some problems."

Taylor of Cummings Square, Wingate, County Durham, was remanded in custody until January for a psychiatric report.

Judge Tony Briggs put him on the new Dangerous Persons Database.