A NEW business to business website, enabling local companies to trade electronically over the Internet, is being piloted by regional development agency One NorthEast.

N-e-commerce.com is a collaboration between 95 regional companies from the Northern Defence Industries and the Derwentside Engineering Forum, which alerts companies to new business opportunities and reduces costs thanks to joint procurement of a range of common goods and services.

Protocol Engineering in Tanfield Lea, Hiatco Ltd in Stanley and Eclipse Translations in Alnwick are amongst the first companies to place orders with office supplies company Northern Stationery using the latest web enabled e-procurement technology.

The companies simply go online through the site to browse the electronic catalogue and place their order in seconds.

The collective buying power of the two business communities means a better deal for everyone, and the electronic ordering reduces costs and simplifies the purchasing of routine items.

Neil Mundy, director of Integration at One NorthEast said: "Companies increasingly need to review their e-business strategies and determine how technology and emerging e-marketplaces can help them remain competitive and win orders.

"One NorthEast's regional portal n-e-life.com provides further information to help companies with their e-commerce activities."

N-e-life.com is an electronic gateway into the Internet which is revolutionising the way the North-East communicates across the region - and the rest of the world.

The site also provides e-mail and Internet services for everyone within the region, either free or at extremely cost effective rates.

It will be enhanced over time to provide SMEs, in particular, with electronic services to enable them to become even more competitive.

N-e-commerce has the aim of promoting e-commerce, assisting businesses with supply chain management issues and notifying them of new business opportunities.