A NORTH-EAST hospital is among only a handful in the country that has been rewarded for being baby friendly.

The University Hospital of North Tees, Stockton, has won the Baby Friendly Award from the United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) and is the latest NHS facility to receive international recognition.

The initiative is aimed at increasing breast-feeding rates and improving care for mothers.

North Tees is one of only 34 NHS facilities in the UK to get the award. To do it, it had to demonstrate that it met ten criteria to promote successful breastfeeding.

The assessment process by Unicef involves visiting the hospital for a number of days, interviewing a random selection of staff, mothers and pregnant women, as well as observing the staff and maternity service.

Over the past five years breast-feeding rates at the hospital have increased by 16 per cent with the current figure at 54 per cent.

Janet Seddon, a midwife and breast-feeding coordinator at the hospital, said; "The staff are absolutely delighted to have received this very prestigious award.

"It recognises the tremendous team work by all the health professionals at the hospital who work hard to ensure pregnant women and new mothers receive the best possible care and it is something we are really proud of."

The University Hospital of Hartlepool hopes to achieve the award next year.