EMPTY buildings, close to a railway line, which could soon be given a new lease of life, seem set to be redeveloped as an American-style motel.

The old single-track line through Wensleydale is still in place at Harmby, near Leyburn, although it has been years since trains have passed on a regular basis.

However, Richmondshire District Council's planners gave their blessing to a bid to redevelop parts of the old station on as family accommodation on Tuesday night.

And, if the Wensleydale Railway Company's plans to run regular services for tourists succeed, councillors agreed a new travel lodge could help persuade some of them to stay a little longer.

The motel planned by Lafet Developments, will include seven family suites, a reception area and modest accommodation for a manager, with parking for 15 cars.

Earlier proposals to include a restaurant, kitchens and toilets have now been shelved.