SOCIAL services chiefs in County Durham have drawn up an emergency action plan for the festive period.

Services will be limited over the holidays, but officials aim to ensure that prompt and effective action is taken in emergencies.

These situations include the discharge of someone from hospital to nursing or residential care, the discharge of someone from hospital who needs help in their own home, and emergency referrals for residential, nursing or home care.

Social services director Peter Kemp said: "Anyone who normally receives a service such as day care, home care or respite care should make sure they and their relatives know what to expect over the holidays.

"This way they will not be left waiting and wondering what is going to happen.''

To report a fault with a social services-approved stairlift, or hoist, call 0191- 383 3793 during office hours.

Out-of-hours in the north of the county contact (07713) 193712, or (07713) 193705 in the south.

Queries about intermittent problems should be made during normal office hours. These are Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm, and Fridays 8.30am to 4.30pm.

Up to and including Christmas Eve, people can contact the social services department during normal hours at the nearest office. These will also be open on December 27, 28 and 31.

The telephone numbers are Wear Valley (01388) 454800, Durham and Chester-le-Street 0191-383 1010, Derwentside (01207) 290990, Sedgefield (01388) 424200 and Easington 0191-518 6000.

Services return to normal on January 2.

In out-of-hours emergencies, contact the emergency duty team on (01740) 657796.