ELDERLY villagers are being offered a mobile advice service.

A converted mini-bus will tour villages on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from this week (see the schedule on the left for details).

The service is a joint initiative between Age Concern Durham County, Durham County Council and development agency One NorthEast.

Bearing Age Concern livery, the bus was on show at a special launch yesterday in Staindrop.

County councillor Christine Smith, cabinet member for community care, said: "This is a completely new initiative which I'm sure will be of enormous benefit to the people of Teesdale and Weardale."

The bus will be staffed by an Age Concern worker and a volunteer who will provide elderly people, carers, family and friends with access to a range of help.

As well as giving advice, staff will also demonstrate equipment designed to make the lives of elderly people easier.

Carol Abbott, Dales locality support worker with Age Concern, said: "We are all too aware that people are often very isolated in rural communities and are unable to access services which can have a positive effect on their lives. By taking the service to them, we can make a real difference."