IF Marks and Spencer boss Luc Vandevelde ever fancies a change of career, he can be assured of a job in the company's Middlesbrough store.

The chairman and chief executive spent Wednesday working at the Linthorpe Road shop, and impressed customers and staff alike.

Personnel manager Kath Bangay said Mr Vandevelde, who packed bags at checkouts and helped out in the coffee shop, could come and work there anytime.

"He was here as part of help sent from head office over the Christmas period and he loved every minute of it.

"He was good with staff and customers and he really worked very hard. Shoppers recognised him and were pleased to see him."

Mr Vandevelde, who joined M&S in January last year, picked Middlesbrough as one of seven branches he will visit over the Christmas period.

A spokesman for the company said: "The idea is for head office staff to help out at stores, to try to make life easier for our customers at our busiest time.