FAMILIES in Darlington are being encouraged to think green this Christmas and recycle their rubbish.

It has been estimated that 90 per cent of Christmas waste is thrown away, even though half of it could be recycled.

Darlington Borough Council has come up with a number of ways to help reduce Christmas waste.

Christmas tree recycling is available between January 7 and 18 at various sites, including South Park's Bedford Street entrance and the Homebase store, on the Darlington Retail Park.

Schools in the area are recycling Christmas cards to raise money for the Tees Forest.

WH Smiths is also recycling cards, with proceeds going to the Woodland Trust.

There are 19 recycling centres taking glass, cans and paper in the town.

For details about projects in Darlington call (01325) 388582 or visit the website at www.doingyourbit.org.uk