POLICE are warning pensioners to be vigilant after bogus callers conned their way into six homes across County Durham.

In the most recent incidents, two men posing as water company employees managed to get past the front door in three homes in the Wear Valley area last Friday, taking cash and other belongings from elderly residents.

Other "water board" con artists tricked their way into homes across County Durham last week, with one making off with £1,000 in life savings from an elderly woman in Wingate.

Friday's incidents saw an 85-year-old man on the Hall Lane Estate, Willington, allow a man into his home. He escaped empty-handed when he was disturbed.

In a second burglary, an 82-year-old woman at The Crofts, Wolsingham, was kept talking by one of the workers while the other stole cash and benefit books. Both men said they were from the "water board".

An 87-year-old woman, from Castle Close, Stanhope, also allowed the men into her home after they told her they were from the "water board".

They escaped with a signet ring, a silver watch, compact discs, a driving licence and two mobile telephones.

Those burglaries followed an incident last Thursday, when a politely-spoken teenager told an 80-year-old woman, who lives alone in Coronation Road, Wingate, near Durham, that he was investigating water supply problems.

While he carried out fake checks in the woman's kitchen, his accomplice sneaked into a bedroom and stole a four-figure sum of cash from a biscuit tin, a bank book and a bag containing a further £200.

The incident happened after 5pm and follows two similar distraction burglaries, at Croxdale and Coxhoe, the previous week.

Detective Sergeant Kieran Reed, from Crook CID, said he was linking all three Wear Valley incidents because they happened in a short space of time on the same day.

He said: "We would emphasise that no one should be allowed entry to your house without an appointment.

"That is the only way that this type of despicable offence will be avoided."

One of the conmen is described as 30 to 40 years old, approximately 5ft 9in, of slim build, with dark collar-length hair. He was wearing dark clothing and was of scruffy appearance.

The second man, as seen on the e-fit, is about 5ft 11in, about 30 years old, of slim build, with short dark hair, and was wearing wearing dark trousers and a dark jacket.

Anyone with information should contact Det Sgt Reed on (01388) 762011.