Final stage of water project

A £500,000 scheme to improve the waste water treatment plant at Goathland, on the North York Moors, is in its final stage. The Yorkshire Water project, which is expected to take six weeks to complete, involves demolishing the pumping station and building a new facility on the same site.

Project manager Marvyn Waller said: "The improvement work will mean the effluent discharging into the river will be treated to a much higher standard than before, making it further exceed the urban waste water treatment directive standards set by the Environment Agency."

JUMBLE SALE: Coxwold annual jumble sale will take place in the village hall at 1.30pm, on Saturday, in aid of the church east window appeal. Items can be left at the hall on the day of the sale, between 9am and 10am. There will be a cake stall and raffle. Contributions will be gratefully received.

DOMINO DRIVE: The British Legion Women at Masham will have a domino drive next Tuesday, at 7.30pm in the town hall. There will be a supper and a raffle.

FILM SOCIETY: The next offering from the Ripon Film Society is the black comedy Shadow of the Vampire showing at 8pm on Wednesday, in the Leisure Centre. Guest tickets are £3.

PUB QUIZ: There will be a quiz at the Otterington Shorthorn pub, in South Otterington, on Saturday, from 8.45pm. Teams of up to four can enter. Entry is £1 per head with proceeds going to the village hall. There will also be a raffle.

COUNCIL SEAT: Rural market manager Chris Woodfine has been made a member of Pickering Town Council. Mr Woodfine, 48, has lived in the town for 15 years and was a restaurateur before taking charge of Pickering and Malton markets.

BOOT SALE: A car boot sale, including a sale of books, will be held at east Thirsk community hall on Sunday, from 9am to noon. Admission is 25p, and tables can be hired from Anne-Marie Hall on (01845) 525574.