For more than four long years the people of Cleveland have been fed a diet of lies, innuendo and half-truths by the man who now wants to the mayor of Middlesbrough.

Under the manipulation of Mr Mallon Operation Lancet has become, in the public eyes, the vilification of an innocent man, a vendetta by a group of twisted senior officers, and an evil force dedicated to drive a man from his job.

Nothing can be further from the truth and the time has now come for the truth to come out.

As you will know, disciplinary proceedings are a private matter between an employer and employee. This is the stance the force has maintained until now. We have remained silent, and quite rightly so, despite the never-ending vitriolic, unjust and self-serving attacks of Mr Mallon, his supporters and some sections of the media.

In view of the exceptional circumstances of this case and the publicity that has surrounded them, I feel the force is justified in taking the extraordinary step of revealing just what has gone on.

Mr Mallon was required to resign on Monday by Paul Acres, the Chief Constable of Hertfordshire, after prolonged disciplinary proceedings.

The Police Complaints Authority (PCA) issued a press statement that was both damning and shameful to Mr Mallon.

It said, and I quote: "The public are entitled to expect that, when allegations are made that a police officer is taking drugs and supplying them to prisoners in their custody, or has warned a suspect about planned police action, this will result in a prompt, searching and effective inquiry."

This did not happen. Mr Mallon turned a blind eye and a deaf ear to these serious allegations.

As the PCA said, had he dealt with these matters promptly Operation Lancet would not have necessitated such a large-scale inquiry. Millions of pounds would have been saved.

Mr Mallon is the cause of the scandalous cost of this inquiry because he was determined to prevent the truth getting out. He was at the centre of an empire of evil and desperate to suppress the truth.

This was a senior and very experienced officer. He failed to take action and responsibility.

And for four years his denials and protestations of innocence have been repeated time and time again until many people, some public figures and many members of the Press believe he is an innocent man, wrongly accused and badly-treated.

His admissions of guilt to 14 charges and - let it be known - he was given extra time at the disciplinary hearing to reflect on those guilty pleas before he made them unequivocally, showed he has lied, lied and lied again.

Mr Ian Bynoe, deputy chairman of the independent Police Complaints Authority, made it clear in their press statement on Monday.

Again I quote: "The course of conduct for which he has been punished cannot be dismissed as the odd error of judgement or excusable mistake under pressure. The behaviour admitted by him - by an experienced senior manager and detective officer - was wholly incompatible with the standards required of even the most junior of police staff."

Mr Mallon says he confessed because he wants to run for mayor and that the people of Middlesbrough will be his judge and jury. It is therefore only right that, in such exceptional circumstances, they be given the facts.

Mr Mallon pleaded guilty to 14 charges. They are:

l Between March 1997 and May 1997, without good and sufficient cause, he failed to investigate an allegation by an inspector that a detective had supplied a controlled drug to a female prisoner.

l In May 1997, he failed to investigate an allegation by a sergeant that a warning had been given to a target criminal that there was to be a search of their premises.

l After May 9, 1997, Mr Mallon failed to take appropriate measures in respect of a detective he knew or believed was a drug user.

l On May 23, 1997, he failed to inform a senior officer investigating allegations that detectives had supplied a controlled drug to a prisoner that he had been aware of an allegation that one of the detectives had supplied drugs to another prisoner.

l He failed to inform a senior officer, investigating allegations drugs had been supplied to a prisoner, that he was aware an allegation had been made to him three weeks before and that one of the detectives had forewarned a suspect his premises were to be searched.

l On May 23, 1997, he failed to inform a senior investigating officer that he was aware that a detective was a user of controlled drugs.

l On May 23, 1997, knowing that an investigation into detectives giving drugs to a prisoner had been inadequately carried out, he instructed a sergeant to allow one of those detectives to visit the prisoner in the custody area of Middlesbrough police station.

l Between May 22, 1997, and June 10, 1997, he failed to act to ensure an adequate investigation was carried out regarding the allegations above.

l On June 7, 1997, knowingly or through neglect, he instructed an inspector to make a false, misleading or inaccurate written report, omitting certain allegations against two detectives, which were capable of being investigated.

l On June 7, 1997, without good or sufficient cause, Mr Mallon failed to ensure previous allegations that officers under his command had been involved in the supply or use of controlled drugs were included, or appended to, a report compiled by an inspector.

l On June 9, 1997, he instructed an inspector not to submit a report containing allegations of criminal offences by police officers under his command.

l Between June 10 and July 9, 1997, knowing there was an inquiry into allegations of drug abuse by officers under his command, he failed to report that he was aware of allegations that officers were using or supplying controlled drugs.

l On November 25, 1997, Mr Mallon knowingly made a false oral statement when being interviewed.

l On June 30, 2000, he knowingly made a false statement when being interviewed.

It is clear they are not minor matters as one of Mr Mallon's leading supporters, Lord McKenzie, has repeatedly advocated to anyone who would listen.

Mr Mallon was a very senior and experienced detective who has scorned and criticised junior officers who were prepared to bring serious allegations against detectives to his notice. He has lied, coerced and bullied and thrown integrity to the wind.

His actions have badly damaged the reputation of Cleveland Police.

His actions aggravated and soured a division between uniformed and CID officers at Middlesbrough at the time and, far from driving down crime, sowed the seeds that allowed criminal behaviour in Middlesbrough to flourish.

As a public figure facing such allegations, Mr Mallon became more concerned with his public image than justice. His desperation to cover up led to his unrelenting campaign to vilify those seeking the truth and justice.

As Middlesbrough MP Stuart Bell has said, no one who is innocent pleads guilty, especially someone with a high profile. If he had pleaded guilty four years ago his legacy would have been of a cop who tried to get to terms with our crime.

He has left the force tarnished through his actions and himself forever branded a liar. Let me move to other matters linked with this sad story that have raised concern.

The disciplinary hearing at the Ladgate Lane headquarters was presided over by an independent Chief Constable, Paul Acres, who heads the Hertfordshire force.

It was his decision to require Mr Mallon to resign after hearing the facts following the guilty pleas tendered.

I must make it very clear. Mr Acres exercised great caution in ensuring that the guilty pleas were unequivocal and not a matter of expediency, to ensure Mr Mallon accepted all the evidence against him.

Let me make it clear - and I hope The Northern Echo is listening carefully - there was no secret deal as their leader column in yesterday's edition claims.

While on media matters, Mr Mallon made great play about my comment: "If you don't take his legs, he will take yours." Once again he is being selective with the truth.

I remember very clearly when I said this. It was at a meeting with the PCA and others on January 5, 1998, one month after his suspension.

There was continued intensive media interest.

It was clear he would use his media contacts to attack the investigation. I warned them that if you do not take his legs, he will take yours and undermine Operation Lancet. Events were to prove me correct.

I have not made any public criticism of Mr Mallon until today. At no time has this been a personal vendetta on my part. This has been about acceptable standards of behaviour, integrity and the truth.

The Police Superintendents' Association claim it was a case of "chequebook discipline and calculated delays" designed to wear him down. Most of the delays were down to Mr Mallon and his legal team.

Despite his public pronouncements that he wanted to be interviewed and give his side of the story, on each occasion he maintained a wall of silence and later simply presented lengthy statements containing allegations against others.

His legal team were responsible for delays in the proceedings by failing to hit set deadlines.

Mr Mallon is a proven liar. It is of interest to note that, on a television interview on Monday, a close supporter of Mr Mallon revealed he had confided in her of his plans to plead guilty in November last year.

His prevarications have wasted Cleveland ratepayers' money and cash aid provided by his association.

Mr Mallon will be remembered by many people nationwide as the face of zero tolerance.

He showed no tolerance towards junior officers prepared to stand up to criminal behaviour in the force and, as a senior officer in the district, failed to initiate any investigation.

Instead, he levelled scorn and criticism on those brave junior officers.

I would be failing in my duty if I did not end this statement by paying tribute to the men and women in this force who have continued in difficult circumstances to respond to the people of Teesside with integrity, commitment and enthusiasm.